Site about the fight against moles and rodents

Ultrasonic rat and mouse repeller Clean House

Getting to know the ultrasonic repeller of rats and mice Clean House - is this device really effective? ...

Repeller of rats and mice Clean House - a means for bloodless, contactless and safe for humans to fight rodents. It can be used in the house, in the basement, in technical buildings and even in the open air, while reviews indicate that in many cases the Clean House is quite effective and really helps to get rid of rodents.

However, sometimes the repeller may not work. Its effectiveness depends, inter alia, on the strict observance of the instructions for use, as well as on the conditions in which it is used.

In those rare cases when, following the instructions, the repeller still does not give the desired effect in full, in addition to it, mousetraps, rat traps, special glue and rat poison Clean House are used. With the proper combined use of these funds in most cases, it is possible to completely remove both rats and mice.

Brief information about the rats and mice repeller Clean House:

  • Manufacturer - ZAO TPK Technoexport, Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region;
  • The mass of the device is 128 grams;
  • Power consumption - 8 watts, for 5 days of continuous operation, the device consumes less than 1 kWh of energy.

In many respects, the repeller owes its popularity to the recognition of the Clean House brand - its products are widely used by the population to combat harmful insects in everyday life. In the ordinary case, the owner of the apartment will remember that the same dust or aerosol Clean House helped him get rid of cockroaches, will have great confidence in the rat and mouse repeller of the same manufacturer, and he will choose it from similar devices. And our task is to figure out whether the device itself justifies such trust.

Under the brand name Clean House, not only rodent products are produced, but also quite effective insect control products.


“So many of these repellers are sold, which is impossible to choose in the store. And to each such praises are sung, that it’s directly incomprehensible why they also produce other drugs. I did not rack my brains for a long time. Last year we poisoned bugs from my grandmother, we were helped by an aerosol in the can of Clean House. And here in the store is a rat repeller Clean House. I know that they make good things, so I bought it. In general, we needed the device more for prevention, since mice constantly climb into the basement of the house, but they don’t live here all the time. They set mousetraps a couple of times, but it is constantly necessary to check them, to pull out these mice. And there are no such problems with the repeller. Turned on and forgot about him and about the mice. Once she even arranged a check: she put a piece of bread with vegetable oil in the basement a meter from the repeller. He lay there for three days, no one touched him, that is, mice do not enter here. The result is obtained, I am pleased with the tool ... "

Raisa, Stavropol


About the principle of action and effectiveness of the Clean House repeller

The Clean House repeller generates ultrasounds that are well heard by mice and rats, but which the human ear does not perceive. When the device is in operation, the frequencies of these sounds change all the time and, at different intervals, turn out to be similar to danger signals in rodents. As soon as the animals hear these noises, they get scared and run away to where ultrasound does not reach them.

According to the manufacturer, the sound of the Clean House repeller spreads over an area of ​​up to 150 square meters. m. This means that to protect an ordinary private house or apartment, one such device is enough, even taking into account the fact that its signals will be muffled (absorbed) by upholstered furniture and carpets.

It should be borne in mind that a large number of furniture and carpets in the room prevents the propagation of ultrasonic waves and reduces the effectiveness of the device.


“The Clean House repeller helped us a lot to get rid of rats in the chicken coop. I didn’t save from them, they made holes in the walls, several times they stole eggs. And you won’t put a mousetrap here, because the hens are walking. They put a repeller and everything became normal.My husband plugged the holes with mounting foam; for almost two months now, new ones have not appeared. They did not see rats, and even rat holes near the chicken coop were overgrown with grass. ”

Lyudmila, Efremov

However, there are cases when the Clean House ultrasonic repeller did not help to get rid of rats and mice even with strict observance of the instructions. There may be several possible reasons for this.

It is believed that rodents can get used to ultrasound, especially if the device has been operating continuously for a long time. As an option for such a situation, in some cases, hungry animals can take a chance and still run into the protected area, just a few minutes, to find food and take it to where ultrasound is no longer heard.

Rats and mice are able to get used to ultrasound if it acts on them for a long time.

And sometimes, as practice shows, some animals in general are so fearless that they do not even need to adapt to the sounds of the repeller. This rarely happens, but none of the buyers are immune from such situations.


“Our boss had to buy a Clean House repeller to work to protect our mini-workshop from mice. They seem to not particularly interfere, they do not spoil anything, but they also do not add purity. A couple of times I would scare women from accounting when they ran along the corridor during the day. The chef himself said that he had dispersed all the rats at the dacha in his country house, and then he would disperse it. Well, we checked ... And for sure, after they put it in, we did not see mice all summer and even in early autumn. And now they are back to the cold. Once they even saw such a comrade under the repeller himself. So today, a mousetrap has settled near the refrigerator ... "

Pavel, Moscow


Instructions for use

To turn on the device in the room, choose a power outlet at a height of about 50-60 cm from the floor and clean the furniture around it in a radius of at least 2 meters. It is also advisable to remove carpets, curtains and clothes. The fewer objects around the repeller that can absorb ultrasound, the higher the likelihood that the device will help get rid of rats.

The ultrasonic repeller does not have a power cord and plugs directly into a wall outlet.

The device is plugged into a wall outlet and a switch is pressed on its body. The indicator lamp will light up during the entire operation time on the device. People with good hearing may occasionally distinguish between a faint squeak of the device.

According to consumers in the reviews, in the first few days of using the device it may seem that there are even more rats and mice. Indeed, animals often run to prominent places, move to new shelters, seek refuge in which they will not hear the sounds of a repeller. Gradually they leave the room and stop returning to it, and usually disappear completely within 8-14 days.


“We put a repeller Clean house in the basement, we have it big and unheated. I had to transfer it several times, because it seemed to us that in different places it works differently. First they turned it on, twice saw rats near it on the first day. Rearranged, saw them again. Then plugged into the third outlet. And this time they left. Now I’m reading reviews and I understand that it was possible not to rearrange - it’s like a panic of their kind in the first days, they run everywhere, look for where to hide. ”

Alena, Pskov

If the Clean House repeller is planned to be used in very large rooms, for example, from rats and mice in warehouses or granaries, then you can buy several devices and place them so that their coverage areas partially overlap and cover the entire protected area.


How safe is the Clean House Repeller for humans and pets?

Repeller Clean House, following the instructions for use, is safe for humans, although it is not recommended to use it in living quarters when people are in them.

In general, you can not use ultrasonic repellers in houses and apartments that contain domestic rodents - the same mice and decorative rats, hamsters, degu, gerbils (as well as guinea pigs, cats and dogs).All of them are as sensitive to sounds as wild rats and mice, and therefore, next to the repeller, they will constantly experience discomfort, stress and may refuse to eat.

Do not use ultrasonic repellers in a house where domestic rodents are kept, because the operation of the device will cause them the same discomfort as their wild brothers.

All pets at the time of use of the device should be transferred to another room.

The video at the end of this article shows how domestic mice respond to the inclusion of an ultrasonic repeller.


“We managed to get rid of rats with the Clean House tweeter. Although it can’t even be called a squeaker - the device generally works almost silently. He turned it on in the garage so that the rats left the cellar. The only thing I was afraid for the dog, because she has a booth right next to the gate to the garage. But nothing. The rats are gone, and the dog seems to hear nothing at all. I didn’t even go to sleep at the other end of the courtyard; here, in a booth, I slept three meters from the repeller. ”

Valery, Mokshan


The use of additional products of the Clean House brand against rats and mice

Usually, when buying a Clean House repeller, caring sellers in the store offer "load" glue from rats and mice, or rat poison Clean House. And they assure that together these tools work more efficiently, and the manufacturer himself developed these products with the expectation of their joint use ...

Well, indeed, those rodents who are afraid of the sounds of the repeller leave the room themselves, and those that the device does not scare, sooner or later fall into the rat trap or glue, or are poisoned by poison.

Glue from rodents and insect pests Clean House

Poison for rats and mice Clean House

Of all the means of the Clean House trademark, in addition to the repeller, it is most rational to use a rat trap or a mousetrap. They cost about 100 rubles, are sold in many stores, are easy to use and quite safe if you install them where pets and children cannot reach them. Moreover, such traps are very effective and destroy rodents almost certainly.

The mouse trap is deservedly popular in the fight against rats and mice due to its efficiency and low price.

On a note

Only if a “cunning” rat is wound up in your house (experienced or smart if you want), then catching it with a rat trap can be problematic.

Using rat poison Clean House in a residential area is dangerous. At least because children or pets can find and eat dough briquettes in the form of which it is sold. Such cases have already happened.

In addition, the poison itself is readily eaten not only by mice, but also by cockroaches, and then before death any of these pests can climb into food products. A really safe and appropriate way to use the clean house rat poison is to lay its briquettes over large areas in the workshops of industrial enterprises.

The glue from mice Clean House (as, by the way, the glues of other brands) is, generally speaking, a rather cruel and barbaric way of exterminating rodents. If the mousetrap quickly kills the animal and he does not even have time to feel anything, then the mouse trapped in the glue trap will painfully die here for several days. And if the owner of the premises finds her before her death, he will need to figure out what to do with this dying animal (often the glue trap is simply thrown out, thereby prolonging the torment of the rodent).

Trapped in the glue trap of rodents waiting for a slow and painful death from thirst for several days.

On a note

In addition, pets and children are often dirty in the glue. After that, they have to cut their soiled hair, and clothes with glue stains often have to be thrown out.

In terms of effectiveness, the glue from rats and mice does not exceed the simple mousetrap. So if the repeller does not allow you to get rid of all the rodents in the room, just buy a mousetrap or rat trap and just catch the most ultrasound-resistant pests.


Ultrasonic Repeller Price

An ultrasonic rodent repeller Clean House costs from about 700-800 rubles (depending on the region of purchase and the margin in a particular store).It is easiest to find and buy it in online stores, but this method is not always convenient, since it can take from several days to several weeks to deliver the device to remote locations.

Such a device costs about 800 rubles.

You can buy a Clean House in household goods stores in major cities of Russia and Ukraine. It is only important to remember that to protect large rooms (with an area of ​​more than 150 square meters) one repeller may not be enough.


“I don’t know why, but our repeller didn’t work. Rather, the mice became smaller, definitely, but they did not completely disappear. We used to see them regularly, they had to hide bread, but now they don’t appear in the apartment and they don’t spoil the food, but they are constantly scraped on the balcony and in the pantry. We even tried to hang the repeller there to drive them out of the shelters, but he did not affect them. So we are pleased that the apartment was defended, but I would like to completely stop this neighborhood ... "

Irina, Mineralnye Vody


An interesting video: this is how a home mouse behaves when you turn on the ultrasonic repeller ...


And this is how you can easily make a rat trap from sheets of paper


On the record "Ultrasonic repeller rats and mice Clean House" 11 comments
  1. Vladimir:

    The rat and mouse repeller works for the 3rd month. During this time, the mice became related to him and walk on him! The operators on the “hot line” cannot really explain anything and only promise that the specialist will call you back (probably by scaring, with a stick). But no one called. I am extremely dissatisfied with the device itself, or with the attitude of the company towards consumers. I do not advise you to deal with them and buy products with a similar logo!

    To answer
  2. Nikolay:

    I doubt that these reviews were left by real users of this repeller. It's just a box with a flasher, in general, a "dummy".

    To answer
    • Anonymous:

      I completely agree with you, even now I am sitting in the kitchen and watching the mouse running around the table. A clean house, we bought a month ago.

      To answer
  3. Victor:

    Friends, I use the SIM device for 3 months, I do not turn off the outlet. Pluses: not heard, high-quality plastic. The mice walk 2 meters from this unit and seem to even enjoy how good the music is. Until the cat runs into the attic, these dances do not stop. Hence the advice: there is no better cat than a cat.

    To answer
  4. Marina:

    I also can’t understand - maybe the device is of poor quality. When turned on, the light that should be lit flashes. Hence the conclusion: either the device is not working, or the mice on it do not care ...

    To answer
  5. Galina:

    This device does not help, complete garbage. At the cottage they wanted to get rid of the mice, but they lured the rat with a repeller!

    To answer
  6. Marina:

    After working for a month, this device did not scare the mice - they walked without it, and walk with it. And after working for a month, the bulb completely went out. Not a device, but nonsense. Money down the drain, and considerable. Sellers do not accept back, there is no guarantee on it.

    To answer
  7. Tatyana, Novomoskovsk, Tula region:

    I don’t know how it is written here that he works inaudibly ... My mother’s house with an extension (type workshop), they turned it on in the extension, I heard awesomely how he squeaks through three (!) Walls. There really were no mice that year.

    Maybe it does not work for you? Of course, hearing and perception are different in people, but most hear it! And there is a lot of marriage (I had a chance to bargain with this “magic” device, 4 out of 10 devices worked, and as a result they refused to continue purchasing).

    He worked, however, only a year and died. Now I'm tormented by the choice of what to buy in return. My conclusion: it works, but it is necessary to check by ear. If it is silent, then this is already a "brick", do not take one.

    P.S. Best Reject is a rare G. It only blinks in different colors, but to the point 0. Not a sound. All the insects that exist in the world were flying and laughing at us, probably. I’m silent about mice altogether - if I were dead, it’s only from laughter too.

    To answer
  8. Alexander:

    I bought 2 pieces. Installed in the inter-ceiling space. Area 3 sq. m. without obstacles and interference. For 3 months of continuous operation, the result: the entire area is contaminated with rat droppings. Probably from fear. I put a cardboard box with glue (also Clean House) - there were traces and wool. Rat trap and mousetrap - to no avail. Only popular advice from the Internet helped.

    To answer
  9. Natalya:

    I bought an ultrasonic clean house repeller. The indicator light flashes and the rodents do not go away. I bought glue, made according to the instructions, and things are still there. How can I get them out, I won’t know.

    To answer
  10. Vladimir:

    It really works!

    To answer
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