Site about the fight against moles and rodents


Effective rat and mouse control
Effective rat and mouse control

With the wrong approach to fighting rats and mice, this procedure can stretch for many months, and without leading to the desired result. Moreover, the illiterate use of rat traps and rodenticidal agents can pose a direct danger to both humans and domestic animals. Well, let's talk about how to quickly and effectively destroy all rats in the territory, what methods and tools will be best for different situations and how to properly apply them in practice ...

The use of ultrasound against rats and mice
The use of ultrasound against rats and mice

The use of ultrasound to scare away rats and mice today has turned for many into a real stumbling block: some consumers praise devices, others are confident in their uselessness, or at least the inefficiency of such devices. And what does science think about this, are there theoretical prerequisites for the effectiveness of ultrasonic repellers, and why do some people use ultrasound devices to work fine, while others do not give any effect? Let's deal with these issues ...

Methods of dealing with rats in a private house
Methods of dealing with rats in a private house

Fighting rats in a private house for an unprepared person can be quite a difficult task. It often happens that the owner of a house uses ineffective means and methods over and over again, and therefore the process does not give a result at all, or the effect is temporary. At the same time, all rats (even the most cautious) can be destroyed quite quickly, if you approach this matter correctly ...

How to catch a rat in the house: the most effective ways
How to catch a rat in the house: the most effective ways

To catch a rat, you can use not only rat traps of industrial production, but also traps made at home from improvised materials. It is only important to choose a truly effective design and correctly approach the choice of bait, the success of the whole thing depends on its attractiveness for rats ...

8 effective do-it-yourself rat traps
8 effective do-it-yourself rat traps

It is not necessary to spend money on the purchase of a rat trap for industrial catching a rat — it is quite possible to assemble an effective design with your own hands, if you approach this matter wisely. Next, we will consider 8 proven in practice easy-to-make home-made traps that will quickly help to cope even with a large number of rodents in the room. Some of these constructions help even in those cases when the house is run by an extremely cautious experienced rat, which cannot be caught with standard rat traps ...

The best types of rat traps for rodent control
The best types of rat traps for rodent control

There is no one universal rat trap that fits everyone perfectly. For example, some types of traps are absolutely not suitable for those who are panicky afraid of rats and cannot force themselves to pick up a rat trap with the body of a dead animal (often with crushed bones). Other options may not be suitable because of the high price, complexity of use, danger to pets, and simply because of its low efficiency for a particular case. Next, we will consider the best of the existing designs for catching rats - both industrial production, and those that can easily be made independently from improvised materials ...

The use of electric rat traps to control rodents
The use of electric rat traps to control rodents

It would seem that the electric rat trap looks like an ideal tool for fighting rats - a neat little box in which the pest gets into and immediately dies from an electric discharge. When using it, you will not have to deal with rat poison or take out a bloodied animal with broken bones from a mousetrap.It is enough to turn over the triggered trap, shake the “prey” into the trash bag and forget about the pest forever. However, in practice, everything is not as simple as we would like - electric rat traps have certain disadvantages. Well, let's figure out the features of these devices and the intricacies of their operation ...

What sound can rats be scared away from home?
What sound can rats be scared away from home?

Probably, everyone who at least once seriously tried to fight these rodents heard about ultrasonic repellers of rats and mice. How do these appliances work? The device generates a sound that is unpleasant for rats and from which they try to stay away. At least, this is exactly what happens when it comes to a really high-quality and effective device. Accordingly, many people get the idea not to buy an expensive device, but to generate sound that scares off rats in a simpler and cheaper way. For example, using a mobile phone. Or maybe even try to do without electronics at all. Is it possible? Let's figure it out ...

What rats are dangerous for humans and what diseases they tolerate
What rats are dangerous for humans and what diseases they tolerate

It would be very reckless to believe that rats are harmless because of their small size. So many men tend to argue: why, they say, be afraid of such a beast, if you can crush it with your foot? In fact, these animals are quite dangerous - for example, almost every street rat is a kind of walking collection of viruses, bacteria and worms that can infect humans. In addition, these rodents are able to attack people and bite, and not only for self-defense ...

Than to poison rats and mice to quickly get rid of their presence in the house
Than to poison rats and mice to quickly get rid of their presence in the house

If you have never had to poison rats before, then choosing the drug most suitable for solving this problem may not seem so simple. Indeed, there are a lot of funds on the market today, they all have their own specifics and, most importantly, most of them require very careful handling (in order to avoid the risk of poisoning yourself). So what is the best way to persecute rats and mice in a private house or apartment, and what nuances should you consider when choosing? ..


Section about rats, their life features and methods of combating these pests.


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