Site about the fight against moles and rodents


Ultrasonic repeller of rats and mice Tornado 400 and reviews on its use
Ultrasonic repeller of rats and mice Tornado 400 and reviews on its use

Repellers of rats and mice of the Tornado trademark were appreciated by some customers, while others were unsatisfied with their use. They help someone to get rid of rodents, and someone are completely ineffective. But can a situation arise when the same device works in one case and not in the other? It turns out maybe. There are many factors that do not depend on the person, but affect the effectiveness of this tool. Let's see how Tornado repellers work, why they may not work and what to look for so as not to make a mistake when buying them.

How can I get rid of rats in the chicken coop if they got into the habit of stealing eggs
How can I get rid of rats in the chicken coop if they got into the habit of stealing eggs

Rats in the chicken coop can cause significantly more problems than in the basement or in the attic of an apartment building - they steal eggs, attack birds and can infect them with dangerous diseases. At the same time, getting rid of rats hiding in the chicken coop is often much more difficult than, for example, in a private house, because if you use poison or rat traps, then the birds themselves can suffer. So how, then, is it effective to deal with rats if they get into a chicken coop to drag eggs? Let's figure it out ...



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