Site about the fight against moles and rodents

Effective traps for catching moles in the area

We find out what traps are for moles and how to apply them on the garden plot ...

Usually traps are called technical devices that allow you to catch this or that animal alive or dead. Some devices immediately kill their prey, others maim it and prevent it from escaping, and some designs catch the animal without harming it.

When they talk about traps for moles, they usually mean the means of lethal action, in which the animal dies immediately, or receives serious injuries, leading to death subsequently. Devices in which the animal enters without harm to life and health are often called live traps, live traps, or simply traps.

Next, we will talk about the means intended specifically for the destruction of moles, and not to capture them alive.

The photo shows the result of the trap in the form of scissors.

On a note

However, before this, it is worth noting immediately that putting a trap on a mole in the garden is, in general, not very humane. At least because the mole itself with the same simplicity and speed can be caught alive and unharmed, and then simply removed from the site. In general, traps are a rather cruel grandfather's method of struggle, which, nevertheless, is still quite popular.

In addition, especially impressionable gardeners (even, rather, gardeners) should remember that the mole from the trap will still need to somehow be pulled out and disposed of its mortal carcass (sometimes bloodied and with broken bones). For some people, this procedure is so disgusting that it is easier for them to use other methods.

The traps used today to fight moles are quite diverse in their design - we will talk more about what these devices are and how to use them in case of urgent need ...


Wire traps

Mole wire traps are the simplest and most inexpensive. They are an elongated spring with a loop, a gatehouse and a presser foot.

A wire mole trap is the simplest type of trap, allowing you to effectively catch moles on a site without significant financial costs.

After the plant, the gatehouse is held in a compressed state by the gatehouse, which, if the trap is correctly installed in the course, represents an obstacle to the mole's movement. When the animal tries to push it, the spring unclenches and presses the body of the mole with the foot to the loop. The mole eventually suffocates, and its ribs often break and the peritoneum ruptures with injuries of the internal organs, which leads to hemorrhages and the death of the animal in a few minutes or hours.

The mole dies due to the trap spring compressing his body with force.

You can buy such traps at a price of about 50-100 rubles apiece, and For efficient operation, it is recommended to install at least two traps at the same time. In this case, the mole will be killed regardless of which side it approaches them.

To install the device, it is necessary to open one of the feed passages of the animal, set the traps so that their loops fit as organically as possible to the walls of the course, and cover the excavated passage with some opaque material. When two traps are installed, they are placed in loops in different directions so that their springs are in contact. If the trap has a stopper, it rests against the bottom of the stroke. If there is no stopper, then a nail is used instead, inserted into the spring and abutting against the travel walls.

The video below shows how to raise a wire trap to catch a mole:

You can make such a trap with your own hands, but it is relatively difficult due to problems with the manufacture of the spring. And given the low price of industrial production devices, it makes no sense to engage in such manufacture.

The effectiveness of using wire traps to fight moles is quite high. If the mole cannot be caught within 1-2 days the first time, then the trap is rearranged in another move. Usually 2-3 permutations are enough to capture.

As a result, the advantages of wire traps are cheapness, accessibility (you can buy both in ordinary stores and in online stores), efficiency and durability. The disadvantages include a certain complexity of their installation. In general, of all the traps of lethal action, many gardeners consider these funds the best option.

It is advisable to install immediately two such traps in the mole course, orienting them in opposite directions.


“Here in Moscow you can generally buy any traps for moles. Even there are devices that cost 8,000 rubles. You simply push them into the place where the move is located, and that’s it. But we manage the cheapest, in Mytishchi they sell them for 55 rubles - such loops are large, look like pins. Three years ago, bought two pieces, then the mole was caught. And this year I had to catch again. A very convenient thing, the mole is caught in a couple of days and you do not have to put any scarers. Once in the spring they were caught and for a year they forgot about these comrades. And these loops are indestructible - they simply cannot be physically broken. ”

Alexander, Mytishchi


Crush for moles

Hunting moles is quite possible with ordinary mousetraps or rat traps such as crush. These funds are also very inexpensive, are sold almost everywhere and are very effective.

The most common mousetraps are quite suitable for catching moles, too.

However, their use is more specific compared to wire traps for two reasons:

  1. The gatehouse in standard crush works when it is pulled, not pushed, and therefore it is usually necessary to modify it with your own hands, so that it works taking into account the specifics of mole movement in the underground passage;
  2. When throwing the clamp itself, it should not cling to the arch of the underground passage or the opaque material that covers the installation site of the trap.

The first problem is solved by sawing a loop that fixes the gatehouse and on which the bait is worn. In this case, the gatehouse is triggered when the mole simply tries to pry the loop away from its path. You can also simply attach a rainworm or a bug to the loop so that the mole tries to eat it and lowers the gatehouse.

Mole caught in a mousetrap

To prevent the bracket from catching on the arch of the course, the installation site of the crush is usually covered with a bucket or pan - as a result, the space above the trap is more than enough for it to work normally.

Like wire traps, it’s best to place such a tool two in a row, guiding them with guards in opposite directions. In this case, they will almost certainly allow you to catch a mole, if he will go on this move.


Tunnel trap

This trap is generally inferior to the two options described above, but, nevertheless, is also quite effective.

Mole Tunnel Trap

It has two main disadvantages:

  1. Relatively high cost. The price of one trap is about 400 rubles. However, such a trap works in two directions, that is, it replaces two wire wires at once;
  2. A certain difficulty in the institution.

The advantage of the tunnel trap is that it does not need to be covered with anything after installation. It closes the mole's course from the light by itself, and additional slots can be covered with earth or turf - the spring will work anyway. That is, the installation itself is somewhat simpler than previous devices. The effectiveness of such a trap in operation is similar to the previous means.

Whatever side the mole approaches such a trap, the animal will still be caught.

The great advantage of the tunnel trap is that its operation can be judged without digging the trap itself: if the spring rises above the ground, then the mole is most likely caught.


Harpoon trap and its principle of action

Traps of this type are otherwise called plunger traps. The essence of their work is that when passing under a trap, the mole pushes the gatehouse paws, which interferes with it in the tunnel, after which a powerful spring punches the ground with its spokes over the course and pierces the beast itself.

A harpoon trap (plunger) kills the mole by piercing his body with sharp knitting needles.

Advantages of such a trap:

  1. It is easy enough to install;
  2. From a distance you can clearly see whether the device worked or not.

Its disadvantages include a rather high price (the popular Skat 61 costs about 1000 rubles) and poor sales. In real (offline) stores, plunger traps can be bought mainly in Moscow, St. Petersburg and some other large cities. To make a tool of this type with your own hands is quite problematic.

The photo shows an example of a harpoon trap mounted above a mole.

In general, the plunger trap, even despite its effectiveness, can hardly be called the best option because of the high price. Plus, this trap destroys moles in a rather bloody way, which also does not add enthusiasm to its use.


Scissor trap and its options

This trap when triggered compresses the body of the mole from the sides, as if with forceps. The animal usually dies from injuries of internal organs and hemorrhages within a few minutes (less often within a few tens of minutes).

Mole scissors

The trap-scissors does not have obvious advantages over the harpoon trap, it costs about 1000 rubles. This type includes both domestic traps (for example, Skat 62) and imported mole traps (for example, Czech production).

These tools are installed similar to harpoon traps. Before installing such a trap, its scissors must be moved apart and a strut guard should be inserted between them. In the excavated course, the scissors are set with their claws, and from above the entire trap is covered with a bucket. When the mole encounters a brace, it either tries to remove it with its paws, or climbs on top. The spacer falls, claws contract and kill the animal.

Once in such a device, the mole may die immediately, or it may suffer for a rather long time.

These traps are now well represented in online stores, and often they can also be bought at hardware stores in large cities.


“I want to leave my review of the mole catcher from the Czech Republic. I bought it with my husband in a construction supermarket in St. Petersburg, the price was 820 rubles. The seller showed us how to use this tool, how it works and how to put it in the mole. Even then, I had the thought that the mole would not quickly die in such a trap. A week later, we were in the country, put in one of the moves, everything was done according to science. They covered with an old pan from above, so that the mole would not be scared of light. We decided to check it in the morning. Well, the next morning I go out into the garden, raise the pan and see that the brackets are open on top. That is, the trap worked. I get it and ... begin to lose consciousness. The mole literally crushed with these scissors, his head and front legs sticking out in front, but the worst thing is that he still moves, moves his nose, waves his paws. Nightmare! I threw this trap, ran after my husband, together we pulled out a mole, he, poor thing, cannot crawl, he is trying to row his paws, but it is clear that he is already dying. I could not stand it, went home. I don’t know what my husband did later, but I definitely decided - I won’t allow such livestock breeding in my area anymore. Now I’ve looked on the Internet, there’s a lot of money to catch a mole alive, and no mole traps are needed ... ”

Anna, Gatchina


More expensive options

There are more original versions of traps, and the more complex their design, the more expensive they are. For example, expensive options include:

  1. SuperCat Vole Trap, costs about 1,500 rubles. Its main advantage in ease of installation is that a special device is supplied with the trap, allowing you to dig a hole for installing a trap with one easy movement. After that, the trap itself just sinks into the hole and the installation process ends;Trap against moles SuperCat Vole TrapAnd it looks like the result of this device ...
  2. Slope 63 in the form of two scissors (also costs about 1,500 rubles);
  3. Talpirid mole trap for 1800 rubles - a complex trap that works on the principle of scissors, but is more convenient to install.Talpirid Mole Trap

These devices for extra money facilitate the work of the gardener to capture moles. Meanwhile, the efficiency of their work does not exceed the efficiency of the simplest wire traps.


A few words about homemade mole traps

Mole trap can also be made by yourself. At the same time, the complexity of manufacturing works is directly proportional to the complexity of the structure itself.

In most cases, wire traps and crushes are made at home. These works are associated with the difficulties of manufacturing springs, and to obtain a truly working crusher, it is necessary to harden the wire at high temperatures.

The picture shows the dimensions of the wire trap, which, if desired, can be done independently.

Sometimes such an independent manufacture is limited only to the completion of a standard mousetrap (or rat trap) with adaptation for fighting moles. In more rare cases, craftsmen make even harpoon traps and scissor traps with their own hands.

In any case, making mole traps on your own is in most cases irrational. The cost of industrial options is low, and the time spent at home to make a trap will be more expensive than the money spent on a quality purchased device. In addition, even the simplest purchased traps are very effective - the same wire trap for 50 rubles will work just as reliably as a tool for which you will have to spend a whole day or even more to make it yourself.

In most cases, it is advisable to buy a ready-made trap (the benefit of the price of many of them is quite affordable).


What to do after the destruction of moles

It is important to understand that the capture and destruction of a mole or several moles on a site is often only a temporary solution to the problem. If once the animals entered the garden, then their relatives will be able to do this in the future, and with high probability they will have to be re-caught.

Even after the capture of all moles in the summer cottage, after some time often new pests come.

If you do not want to do this, the following options are possible:

  1. Protect the area around the perimeter with a special mesh or slate, which are buried in trenches to a depth of 70-80 cm and protrude above the surface to a height of about 20 cm. It is also known that areas protected from moles are protected from all sides by a fence with a continuous strip foundation (although this, of course, is a costly affair);
  2. If moles harm only on the lawn (that is, where regular excavation is not required), then under this entire zone you can lay a net from moles - horizontally, at a depth of 5-10 cm.

These works and materials for them are quite expensive, and not all summer residents are ready to go to such costs. Actually, this moment also contributes to the popularity of various inexpensive traps.


Alternatives to traps

There are times when the traps for one reason or another are not suitable for use in a particular area. For example, when the owner of a garden plot does not want to kill moles, or does not have the time and desire to engage in the installation of traps on their own.

In these cases, traps can be completely replaced:

  1. Live traps - purchased and homemade. Moles can be caught in a pipe trap, or in a pit from a bucket or pan buried under the course. Some craftsmen manage to dig a mole with a shovel, just staring and throwing it to the surface. The cost of industrially manufactured livestock traps for moles is approximately the same as that of traps (from 300 rubles and above);Mole trap-pipe allows you to effectively catch moles alive.
  2. By calling a special service, the employees of which will do everything on their own. This is a more expensive option (the price of services starts here from 2000 rubles), but it does not require any effort from the owner of the site;
  3. Mole repellers - in many cases, they effectively drive animals out of the area, although they do not provide such reliability as traps. It may be advisable to try to use repellers even before using traps, and if they do not help, then even start to catch moles.In some cases (although not always), moles can be scared off the site with the help of special electronic repellers.

On a note

There are also ways to catch moles with fishing hooks, although this is a completely fanatical way of fighting, so you should not consider it as a rational option.

In general, it should be noted that most traps for moles have approximately the same efficiency. So, it is necessary to apply those that are optimal for each owner of the site in terms of the ratio of installation complexity and price. For most gardeners, simple inexpensive wire traps are quite enough.


Useful video: in detail about the wire mole trap


An example of installing a trap-scissors and a visual result of its work


There are 1 comments on the entry “Effective traps for catching moles on a site”
  1. Evgeniy:

    Do I need to fill up with earth and tamp the course when installing a harpoon trap? And then no matter how much I set, the trap works without catching a mole.

    To answer
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