Site about the fight against moles and rodents


Pros and cons of mole cat cat Fedr
Pros and cons of mole cat cat Fedr

Not so long ago, the Kot Fedr mole trap appeared on the Russian market - convenient in use, having an interesting design and at the same time relatively inexpensive. However, upon closer inspection, curious nuances pop up about which you should know in advance ...

Effective traps for catching moles in the area
Effective traps for catching moles in the area

Traps are perhaps one of the most popular means of fighting moles in the garden. Indeed, they have many advantages: relatively low prices (at least some types of traps are the cheapest industrial remedies for moles in general), as well as durability and high efficiency. However, they still cannot be called an ideal means for fighting moles - the traps have serious drawbacks that limit their use. Let's look at the various models of these devices and find out whether they really help get rid of moles and whether they should be used at all ...

How to get rid of moles in the garden: effective tools and the nuances of their application
How to get rid of moles in the garden: effective tools and the nuances of their application

As practice shows, in order to get rid of moles in his garden, the owner of the site often has to use a variety of means, since not all of them give the expected effect. For example, even quite expensive models of electronic repellers in inexperienced hands can be simply useless, not to mention various folk methods of scaring away moles, say, rotten fish or carbide. About what nuances it is important to consider when using certain means of combating moles and, most importantly, how to finally get rid of these animals in the garden - we will talk about all this further and talk more ...

Means for combating moles in the summer cottage and the garden
Means for combating moles in the summer cottage and the garden

It may seem surprising, but with such an abundance of mole control agents that are known today, the problem of getting rid of these pests does not become less acute. The fact is that many tools in practice either do not give an effect at all, or the effect is minimal, or (which also happens often) the landlord uses this or that tool incorrectly and without taking into account important nuances. Well, and if so, then it's time to talk about the means of fighting moles in more detail and, so to speak, to put, finally, all the points on the "i" ...

Mole net application and reviews on this site protection method
Mole net application and reviews on this site protection method

Today, the use of special nets is considered one of the most effective and safe ways to protect your site from moles. However, upon closer inspection, a number of shortcomings emerge: the net from moles is not cheap, and the process of laying it is not simple - nevertheless, you need to fence the entire territory around the perimeter with a grid and, in addition, put it over the entire area of ​​the site. Immediately it seems that you need a lot of mesh, and such a quantity will be too expensive. Let's calculate how much such protection against moles actually costs, and also what mistakes often negate the use of even the highest quality anti-mole nets ...

How to quickly catch a mole in a garden using simple means
How to quickly catch a mole in a garden using simple means

If moles cannot be driven out of the garden with various deterrents, then it is time to move on to a more reliable method of control - to catch pests using traps. You can catch a mole in the garden in different ways, however, in practice, the effectiveness of the used molehills largely depends not only on their design, but also on whether some important nuances will be taken into account when installing them on the site. Let's talk about this in more detail ...

How to reliably get rid of moles in a summer cottage or garden
How to reliably get rid of moles in a summer cottage or garden

Today, many methods are known that allow you to get rid of moles in the summer cottage, but it often happens that even, it would seem, having tried a variety of methods and means, the summer resident does not manage to achieve the desired result. Let's see why this happens, what mistakes are most often made in practice and, most importantly, how can you reliably get rid of moles in the country, using completely affordable and simple means ...

What moles are afraid of: methods of repelling them with carbide, smoke and other means
What moles are afraid of: methods of repelling them with carbide, smoke and other means

To increase the effectiveness of the fight against moles, it is useful to know what they are most afraid of and reasonably apply this knowledge in practice. However, there is an important nuance: there are many means that are theoretically capable of scaring off moles, but in fact many of them are practically useless and can sometimes harm a piece of land even more than moles themselves. So, what is better to choose to scare away moles - calcium carbide, smoke bombs, kerosene, black beans, various noisers or something else? Let's figure it out ...

Mole repellers Ecosniper and reviews on their use
Mole repellers Ecosniper and reviews on their use

It so happened on the market that the Ecosniper series of repellers has gained a reputation as quite effective means of combating moles in a summer cottage. In part, this reputation is really justified: in many cases, Ecosniper mole repellers help get rid of these pests, and quickly enough. However, the effect is far from always achieved. Let's try to figure out how such repellers are still effective and what nuances it is important to consider when using them to increase the chances of driving moles off their site ...

Ultrasonic mole repellers and reviews on their use
Ultrasonic mole repellers and reviews on their use

At first glance, ultrasonic repellers may seem like an almost ideal means of combating moles in the area. Indeed, it would seem that you are buying a compact device, you just stick it into the ground - and that’s it, you don’t have to do anything else! And it’s not even clear why someone else continues to mess with molehills, rotten fish and turntables to scare away moles when there is such a wonderful alternative. But in practice, the situation with ultrasonic repellers is not so simple as in theory - if only because not all of these devices are equally effective ...


In this section of the site information will be collected about moles, their life features, as well as about the harm that they cause in vegetable gardens and summer cottages. Effective methods of fighting moles will be examined in detail.


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