Site about the fight against moles and rodents

About rats

What rats are dangerous for humans and what diseases they tolerate
What rats are dangerous for humans and what diseases they tolerate

It would be very reckless to believe that rats are harmless because of their small size. So many men tend to argue: why, they say, be afraid of such a beast, if you can crush it with your foot? In fact, these animals are quite dangerous - for example, almost every street rat is a kind of walking collection of viruses, bacteria and worms that can infect humans. In addition, these rodents are able to attack people and bite, and not only for self-defense ...

The consequences of rat bites and what to do if you are bitten
The consequences of rat bites and what to do if you are bitten

The first thing to do if you are bitten by a rat is to quickly take measures to disinfect the wound. It is the risk of contracting an infectious disease that is the main danger in rat bites. Moreover, some of these diseases can threaten a person’s life, and a simple non-specific infection of a deep wound at the site of a bite will not lead to anything good either. It is important to understand that the simple steps taken exactly in the first minutes after a bite can be significantly more effective and important than everything that will be done in the next hours or days. Let's see what should be done when a rat bites in the first place, and what unpleasant consequences may threaten in case of inaction ...

Why do rats attack humans and how can such attacks be dangerous?
Why do rats attack humans and how can such attacks be dangerous?

It is reliably known and documented that rats attack humans, and on the whole they do this not so rarely. Moreover, rat attacks are one of the main dangers posed to humans by the proximity to these animals (although it must be admitted that popular rumor sometimes goes too far and exaggerates the horrors of rat attacks too much). About why such attacks occur, why they are dangerous for humans and whether rats can turn into real cannibals - we will talk more about this in more detail ...

Interesting facts about gray rats (pasyuk)
Interesting facts about gray rats (pasyuk)

The gray rat is one of the most prosperous animal species on Earth. Today, in the literal sense of the word, it captures the world: it is rapidly settling in new territories, taking away a huge amount of food from a person and increasing its number faster than people themselves do. Although at first glance this animal does not at all make the impression of the conqueror of the planet: it is not large, not strong, not particularly fast, and even its eyesight is useless. What helps gray rats to flourish and why in the centuries-old struggle with them, man has not achieved noticeable success? Let's figure it out ...

Black rats: photos and interesting facts about the life of these rodents
Black rats: photos and interesting facts about the life of these rodents

The black rat is one of the most widespread and numerous animals in the world. It is just as harmful to the national economy as the gray rat (pasyuk), and just as dangerous as the carrier of infections. At the same time, in many countries, including Russia, there are much less black rats than gray rats, and the population is not so familiar with them. Why, in our country, black rats live as if they are in the shadow of their gray counterparts, and how are they interesting as a species in general? Let's figure it out ...

The biggest rats in the world: photos of huge representatives
The biggest rats in the world: photos of huge representatives

What could be worse for a simple person (especially a woman) than a giant rat crawling out of a sewer hatch and eagerly looking at its victim with bloodshot eyes? Agree, this looks like a typical scene from a horror movie or some cheap magazine story designed to tickle the nerves of the reader. Nevertheless, stories about huge mutant rats are widespread not only in the cinema, but also in reality, and many people believe in the existence of such monsters.And the facts confirm that individual rats can grow to very impressive sizes. So, let's find out if there really are real giants among these rodents and whether a person should be afraid of them ...

The phenomenon of the rat king and interesting facts about this phenomenon
The phenomenon of the rat king and interesting facts about this phenomenon

Rat King - that sounds ominous. Many people do not know what this creature is, and often fantasize that it is called a certain lord of rats, whether it be a certain supreme rat or even a person with special abilities. Others know that the rat king is a few rats with tightly tangled tails, but believe that such a creature plays a sacred role in the rat society itself. Science has its own opinion on this matter, and it most likely corresponds to reality: the rat king is a kind of accident in which animals are intertwined with their tails and die. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out ...


General information about rats and the features of their life.


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